[oracle@dg1 ~]$ cat /home/oracle/grid.rsp 

## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2017. All rights reserved.           ##
##                                                                           ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize                ##
## your installation.                                                        ##
##                                                                           ##
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment                   ##
## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate                   ##
## values.                                                                   ##
##                                                                           ##
## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains plain text passwords and               ##
## should be secured to have read permission only by oracle user             ##
## or db administrator who owns this installation.                           ##
##                                                                           ##

##                                                                           ##
## Instructions to fill this response file                                   ##
## To register and configure 'Grid Infrastructure for Cluster'               ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B,C,D,E,F and G                                    ##
##  - Fill out section G if OCR and voting disk should be placed on ASM      ##
##                                                                           ##
## To register and configure 'Grid Infrastructure for Standalone server'     ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B and G                                            ##
##                                                                           ##
## To register software for 'Grid Infrastructure'                            ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B and D                                            ##
##  - Provide the cluster nodes in section D when choosing CRS_SWONLY as     ##
##    installation option in section A                                       ##
##                                                                           ##
## To upgrade clusterware and/or Automatic storage management of earlier     ##
## releases                                                                  ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B,C,D and H                                        ##
##                                                                           ##
## To add more nodes to the cluster                                          ##
##  - Fill out sections A and D                                              ##
##  - Provide the cluster nodes in section D when choosing CRS_ADDNODE as    ##
##    installation option in section A                                       ##
##                                                                           ##

# Do not change the following system generated value. 

#                                                                             #
#                          SECTION A - BASIC                                  #
#                                                                             #

# Specify the location which holds the inventory files.
# This is an optional parameter if installing on  
# Windows based Operating System.

# Specify the installation option.
#   - CRS_CONFIG  : To register home and configure Grid Infrastructure for cluster
#   - HA_CONFIG   : To register home and configure Grid Infrastructure for stand alone server
#   - UPGRADE     : To register home and upgrade clusterware software of earlier release
#   - CRS_SWONLY  : To register Grid Infrastructure Software home (can be configured for cluster 
#                   or stand alone server later)
#   - HA_SWONLY   : To register Grid Infrastructure Software home (can be configured for stand 
#                   alone server later. This is only supported on Windows.)
#   - CRS_ADDNODE : To add more nodes to the cluster

# Specify the complete path of the Oracle Base.

#                                                                              #
#                              SECTION B - GROUPS                              #
#                                                                              #
#   The following three groups need to be assigned for all GI installations.   #
#   OSDBA and OSOPER can be the same or different.  OSASM must be different    #
#   than the other two.                                                        #
#   The value to be specified for OSDBA, OSOPER and OSASM group is only for    #
#   Unix based Operating System.                                               #
#                                                                              #
# The OSDBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted SYSDBA privileges.

# The OSOPER_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted SYSOPER privileges.
# The value to be specified for OSOPER group is optional.
# Value should not be provided if configuring Client Cluster - i.e. storageOption=CLIENT_ASM_STORAGE.

# The OSASM_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted SYSASM privileges. This
# must be different than the previous two.

#                                                                              #
#                           SECTION C - SCAN                                   #
#                                                                              #
# Specify a name for SCAN

# Specify a unused port number for SCAN service


#                                                                              #
#                           SECTION D - CLUSTER & GNS                         #
#                                                                              #
# Specify the required cluster configuration

# Specify 'true' if you would like to configure the cluster as Extended, else
# specify 'false'
# Applicable only for STANDALONE and DOMAIN cluster configuration

# Specify the Member Cluster Manifest file
# Applicable only for MEMBERDB and MEMBERAPP cluster configuration

# Specify a name for the Cluster you are creating.
# The maximum length allowed for clustername is 15 characters. The name can be 
# any combination of lower and uppercase alphabets (A - Z), (0 - 9), hyphen(-)
# and underscore(_).
# Applicable only for STANDALONE and DOMAIN cluster configuration

# Applicable only for STANDALONE, DOMAIN, MEMBERDB cluster configuration.
# Specify 'true' if you would like to configure Grid Naming Service(GNS), else
# specify 'false'

# Applicable only for STANDALONE and DOMAIN cluster configuration if you choose to configure GNS.
# Specify 'true' if you would like to assign SCAN name VIP and Node VIPs by DHCP
# , else specify 'false'

# Applicable only if you choose to configure GNS.
# Specify the type of GNS configuration for cluster
# Allowed values are: CREATE_NEW_GNS and USE_SHARED_GNS
# Only USE_SHARED_GNS value is allowed for MEMBERDB cluster configuration.

# Applicable only if SHARED_GNS is being configured for cluster
# Specify the path to the GNS client data file

# Applicable only for STANDALONE and DOMAIN cluster configuration if you choose to 
# configure GNS for this cluster oracle.install.crs.config.gpnp.gnsOption=CREATE_NEW_GNS
# Specify the GNS subdomain and an unused virtual hostname for GNS service

# Specify the list of sites - only if configuring an Extended Cluster

# Specify the list of nodes that have to be configured to be part of the cluster.
# The list should a comma-separated list of tuples.  Each tuple should be a
# colon-separated string that contains
# - 1 field if you have chosen CRS_SWONLY as installation option, or
# - 1 field if configuring an Application Cluster, or
# - 3 fields if configuring a Flex Cluster
# - 3 fields if adding more nodes to the configured cluster, or
# - 4 fields if configuring an Extended Cluster
# The fields should be ordered as follows:
# 1. The first field should be the public node name.
# 2. The second field should be the virtual host name
#    (Should be specified as AUTO if you have chosen 'auto configure for VIP'
#     i.e. autoConfigureClusterNodeVIP=true)
# 3. The third field indicates the role of node (HUB,LEAF). This has to 
#    be provided only if Flex Cluster is being configured.
#    For Extended Cluster only HUB should be specified for all nodes
# 4. The fourth field indicates the site designation for the node. To be specified only if configuring an Extended Cluster.
# The 2nd and 3rd fields are not applicable if you have chosen CRS_SWONLY as installation option
# The 2nd and 3rd fields are not applicable if configuring an Application Cluster
# Examples
# For registering GI for a cluster software: oracle.install.crs.config.clusterNodes=node1,node2
# For adding more nodes to the configured cluster: oracle.install.crs.config.clusterNodes=node1:node1-vip:HUB,node2:node2-vip:LEAF
# For configuring Application Cluster: oracle.install.crs.config.clusterNodes=node1,node2
# For configuring Flex Cluster: oracle.install.crs.config.clusterNodes=node1:node1-vip:HUB,node2:node2-vip:LEAF
# For configuring Extended Cluster: oracle.install.crs.config.clusterNodes=node1:node1-vip:HUB:site1,node2:node2-vip:HUB:site2
# You can specify a range of nodes in the tuple using colon separated fields of format
# hostnameprefix:lowerbound-upperbound:hostnamesuffix:vipsuffix:role of node

# The value should be a comma separated strings where each string is as shown below
# InterfaceName:SubnetAddress:InterfaceType
# where InterfaceType can be either "1", "2", "3", "4", or "5"
# InterfaceType stand for the following values
#   - 1 : PUBLIC
#   - 2 : PRIVATE
#   - 3 : DO NOT USE
#   - 4 : ASM
#   - 5 : ASM & PRIVATE
# For example: eth0:,eth1:,eth2:

# Create a separate ASM DiskGroup to store GIMR data.
# Specify 'true' if you would like to separate GIMR data with clusterware data, 
# else specify 'false'
# Value should be 'true' for DOMAIN cluster configurations
# Value can be true/false for STANDALONE cluster configurations.

#                                                                              #
#                              SECTION E - STORAGE                             #
#                                                                              #

# Specify the type of storage to use for Oracle Cluster Registry(OCR) and Voting
# Disks files
# Applicable only for MEMBERDB cluster configuration
#                                                                              #
#                               SECTION F - IPMI                               #
#                                                                              #

# Specify 'true' if you would like to configure Intelligent Power Management interface
# (IPMI), else specify 'false'

# Applicable only if you choose to configure IPMI
# i.e. oracle.install.crs.config.useIPMI=true
# Specify the username and password for using IPMI service
#                                                                              #
#                                SECTION G - ASM                               #
#                                                                              #

# ASM Storage Type
# Allowed values are : ASM and ASM_ON_NAS
# ASM_ON_NAS applicable only if
# oracle.install.crs.config.ClusterConfiguration=STANDALONE

# NAS location to create ASM disk group for storing OCR/VDSK 
# Specify the NAS location where you want the ASM disk group to be created
# to be used to store OCR/VDSK files
# Applicable only if oracle.install.asm.storageOption=ASM_ON_NAS
# Create a separate ASM DiskGroup on NAS to store GIMR data
# Specify 'true' if you would like to separate GIMR data with clusterware data, else
# specify 'false'
# Applicable only if oracle.install.asm.storageOption=ASM_ON_NAS

# NAS location to create ASM disk group for storing GIMR data
# Specify the NAS location where you want the ASM disk group to be created
# to be used to store the GIMR database
# Applicable only if oracle.install.asm.storageOption=ASM_ON_NAS
# and oracle.install.asmOnNAS.configureGIMRDataDG=true

# Password for SYS user of Oracle ASM

# The ASM DiskGroup
# Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.name=data

# Redundancy level to be used by ASM.
# It can be one of the following  
#   - NORMAL
#   - HIGH
#   - FLEX#   - EXTENDED (required if oracle.install.crs.config.ClusterConfiguration=EXTENDED)
# Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy=NORMAL

# Allocation unit size to be used by ASM.
# It can be one of the following values
#   - 1
#   - 2
#   - 4
#   - 8
#   - 16
# Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.AUSize=4
# size unit is MB

# Failure Groups for the disk group
# If configuring for Extended cluster specify as list of "failure group name:site"
# tuples.
# Else just specify as list of failure group names

# List of disks and their failure groups to create a ASM DiskGroup
# (Use this if each of the disks have an associated failure group)
# Failure Groups are not required if oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy=EXTERNAL
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disksWithFailureGroupNames=/oracle/asm/disk1,FGName,/oracle/asm/disk2,FGName
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disksWithFailureGroupNames=\\.\ORCLDISKDATA0,FGName,\\.\ORCLDISKDATA1,FGName

# List of disks to create a ASM DiskGroup
# (Use this variable only if failure groups configuration is not required)
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks=/oracle/asm/disk1,/oracle/asm/disk2
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks=\\.\ORCLDISKDATA0,\\.\ORCLDISKDATA1

# List of failure groups to be marked as QUORUM.
# Quorum failure groups contain only voting disk data, no user data is stored
# Example:
#	oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.quorumFailureGroupNames=FGName1,FGName2
# The disk discovery string to be used to discover the disks used create a ASM DiskGroup
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString=/oracle/asm/*
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString=\\.\ORCLDISK*

# Password for ASMSNMP account
# ASMSNMP account is used by Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor Oracle ASM instances

# GIMR Storage data ASM DiskGroup
# Applicable only when 
# oracle.install.asm.configureGIMRDataDG=true
# Example: oracle.install.asm.GIMRDG.name=MGMT

# Redundancy level to be used by ASM.
# It can be one of the following  
#   - NORMAL
#   - HIGH
#   - FLEX#   - EXTENDED (only if oracle.install.crs.config.ClusterConfiguration=EXTENDED)
# Example: oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.redundancy=NORMAL

# Allocation unit size to be used by ASM.
# It can be one of the following values
#   - 1
#   - 2
#   - 4
#   - 8
#   - 16
# Example: oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.AUSize=4
# size unit is MB

# Failure Groups for the GIMR storage data ASM disk group
# If configuring for Extended cluster specify as list of "failure group name:site"
# tuples.
# Else just specify as list of failure group names

# List of disks and their failure groups to create GIMR data ASM DiskGroup
# (Use this if each of the disks have an associated failure group)
# Failure Groups are not required if oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.redundancy=EXTERNAL
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.disksWithFailureGroupNames=/oracle/asm/disk1,FGName,/oracle/asm/disk2,FGName
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.disksWithFailureGroupNames=\\.\ORCLDISKDATA0,FGName,\\.\ORCLDISKDATA1,FGName

# List of disks to create GIMR data ASM DiskGroup
# (Use this variable only if failure groups configuration is not required)
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.disks=/oracle/asm/disk1,/oracle/asm/disk2
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.disks=\\.\ORCLDISKDATA0,\\.\ORCLDISKDATA1

# List of failure groups to be marked as QUORUM.
# Quorum failure groups contain only voting disk data, no user data is stored
# Example:
#	oracle.install.asm.gimrDG.quorumFailureGroupNames=FGName1,FGName2

# Configure AFD - ASM Filter Driver
# Applicable only for FLEX_ASM_STORAGE option
# Specify 'true' if you want to configure AFD, else specify 'false'
# Configure RHPS - Rapid Home Provisioning Service
# Applicable only for DOMAIN cluster configuration
# Specify 'true' if you want to configure RHP service, else specify 'false'

#                                                                              #
#                             SECTION H - UPGRADE                              #
#                                                                              #
# Specify whether to ignore down nodes during upgrade operation.
# Value should be 'true' to ignore down nodes otherwise specify 'false'
#                                                                              #
#                               MANAGEMENT OPTIONS                             #
#                                                                              #

# Specify the management option to use for managing Oracle Grid Infrastructure
# Options are:
# 1. CLOUD_CONTROL - If you want to manage your Oracle Grid Infrastructure with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.
# 2. NONE   -If you do not want to manage your Oracle Grid Infrastructure with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

# Specify the OMS host to connect to Cloud Control.
# Applicable only when oracle.install.config.managementOption=CLOUD_CONTROL

# Specify the OMS port to connect to Cloud Control.
# Applicable only when oracle.install.config.managementOption=CLOUD_CONTROL

# Specify the EM Admin user name to use to connect to Cloud Control.
# Applicable only when oracle.install.config.managementOption=CLOUD_CONTROL

# Specify the EM Admin password to use to connect to Cloud Control.
# Applicable only when oracle.install.config.managementOption=CLOUD_CONTROL
#                                                                              #
#                      Root script execution configuration                     #
#                                                                              #

# Specify the root script execution mode.
#   - true  : To execute the root script automatically by using the appropriate configuration methods.
#   - false : To execute the root script manually.
# If this option is selected, password should be specified on the console.

# Specify the configuration method to be used for automatic root script execution.
# Following are the possible choices:
#   - ROOT
#   - SUDO
# Specify the absolute path of the sudo program.
# Applicable only when SUDO configuration method was chosen.

# Specify the name of the user who is in the sudoers list. 
# Applicable only when SUDO configuration method was chosen.
# Specify the nodes batch map.
# This should be a comma separated list of node:batch pairs.
# During upgrade, you can sequence the automatic execution of root scripts
# by pooling the nodes into batches. 
# A maximum of three batches can be specified. 
# Installer will execute the root scripts on all the nodes in one batch before
# proceeding to next batch.
# Root script execution on the local node must be in Batch 1.
# Only one type of node role can be used for each batch.
# Root script execution should be done first in all HUB nodes and then, when
# existent, in all the LEAF nodes.
# Examples:
# 1. oracle.install.crs.config.batchinfo=HUBNode1:1,HUBNode2:2,HUBNode3:2,LEAFNode4:3
# 2. oracle.install.crs.config.batchinfo=HUBNode1:1,LEAFNode2:2,LEAFNode3:2,LEAFNode4:2
# 3. oracle.install.crs.config.batchinfo=HUBNode1:1,HUBNode2:1,LEAFNode3:2,LEAFNode4:3
# Applicable only for UPGRADE install option. 
#                                                                              #
#                           APPLICATION CLUSTER OPTIONS                        #
#                                                                              #

# Specify the Virtual hostname to configure virtual access for your Application
# The value to be specified for Virtual hostname is optional.