Modifying inconsistencies in a dataguard from broker (dgmgrl)
In a dataguard configured ( we found some archives in a wrong path in the standby.
We checked the wrong parameter, and we changed its value:
SQL> show parameter log_archive_dest NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ log_archive_dest_1 string location=/backup/recovery_area [...] SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST'; System altered.
But we could see in that moment its status is incorrect in the broker:
DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - dgorppconfig Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Members: orpplive - Primary database stborpp - Physical standby database Warning: ORA-16792: configurable property value is inconsistent with member setting Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: WARNING (status updated 42 seconds ago)
After checking the problem:
DGMGRL> show database stborpp inconsistentproperties INCONSISTENT PROPERTIES INSTANCE_NAME PROPERTY_NAME MEMORY_VALUE SPFILE_VALUE BROKER_VALUE stborpp StandbyArchiveLocation USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST /opt/oracle/app/oracle/recovery_area/ stborpp AlternateLocation (missing StandbArchiveLocation setting) DGMGRL> show database stborpp statusreport STATUS REPORT INSTANCE_NAME SEVERITY ERROR_TEXT stborpp WARNING ORA-16714: the value of property StandbyArchiveLocation is inconsistent with the member setting stborpp WARNING ORA-16714: the value of property AlternateLocation is inconsistent with the member setting
We check and modify from the broker:
DGMGRL> show database stborpp StandbyArchiveLocation StandbyArchiveLocation = '/opt/oracle/app/oracle/recovery_area/' DGMGRL> show database orpplive StandbyArchiveLocation StandbyArchiveLocation = 'USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST' DGMGRL> edit database stborpp set property StandbyArchiveLocation='USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST'; Property "standbyarchivelocation" updated
And the status come back to be correct:
DGMGRL> show configuration; Configuration - dgorppconfig Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Members: orpplive - Primary database stborpp - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: SUCCESS (status updated 55 seconds ago)
Adding value with Arumel!!