Changing diskgroup for asm spfile in 12.2


So far, we’ve used two options in version 12.2:


1) spmove

Check the path and change it with spmove:

[grid@nodo1 ~]$ gpnptool get -o- | xmllint --format - |grep -i spfile
<orcl:ASM-Profile id="asm" DiscoveryString="" SPFile="+PREVOTOCR/ptractest01/ASMPARAMETERFILE/registry.253.947416237" Mode="remote" Extended="true"/>

[root@nodo1 ~]# asmcmd spget

[root@nodo1 ~]# asmcmd spmove '+PREVOTOCR/ptractest01/ASMPARAMETERFILE/registry.253.947416237' '+VOTOCR/ptractest01/spfileASM.ora'

[root@nodo1 ~]# asmcmd spget

[grid@nodo1 ~]$ gpnptool get -o- | xmllint --format - |grep -i spfile
<orcl:ASM-Profile id="asm" DiscoveryString="" SPFile="+VOTOCR/ptractest01/spfileASM.ora" Mode="remote" Extended="true"/>



2) create pfile/spfile

Check the path and change it with create pfile/spfile

[root@nodo1 ~]# asmcmd spget

SYS@+ASM1> create pfile='/tmp/initasm.ora' from spfile;
File created.

SYS@+ASM1> create spfile='+VOTOCR' from pfile='/tmp/initasm.ora';
File created.

[root@nodo1 ~]# asmcmd spget



Adding value with Arumel!!