OVM: How to import a template from Oracle into a Repository


You can download the template from Oracle support web “Oracle VM Templates for Oracle Database – Single Instance, Oracle Restart (SIHA) and Oracle RAC (Doc ID 1185244.1)


In our case, we want to download the “Single Instance & Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 18c (64-bit) on Oracle Linux 7.5 (w/OVMAPI Support)” that it contains 4 zip files, the first file is the operating system image, and the rest of them (you will need to join them later) are the Oracle software:

sergio@sergio-pc:~/Descargas$ ls -lrt |grep p1888
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sergio sergio 969607288 nov 27 19:20 p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_1of4.zip → OS Disk
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sergio sergio 4167812975 nov 28 09:53 p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_4of4.zip → Oracle Disk
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sergio sergio 4167764970 nov 28 09:54 p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_3of4.zip → Oracle Disk
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sergio sergio 4163837255 nov 28 09:54 p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_2of4.zip → Oracle Disk


Unzip OS Disk:

sergio@sergio-pc:~/Descargas$ unzip p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_1of4.zip
Archive: p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_1of4.zip
inflating: OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-1of2.tar.gz
inflating: DBRACOVM18400181016-MYSUPPORT-READMEv1.0.txt


Unzip Oracle Disk:

sergio@sergio-pc:~/Descargas$ unzip p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_2of4.zip
Archive: p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_2of4.zip
inflating: OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partA.tar.gz
inflating: DBRAC18400181016-OVM2-template-Configuration.pdf

sergio@sergio-pc:~/Descargas$ unzip p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_3of4.zip
Archive: p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_3of4.zip
inflating: OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partB.tar.gz

sergio@sergio-pc:~/Descargas$ unzip p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_4of4.zip
Archive: p18888888_10_Linux-x86-64_4of4.zip
inflating: OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partC.tar.gz


Join the Oracle disks in one:

sergio@sergio-pc:~/Descargas$ cat OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partA.tar.gz OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partB.tar.gz OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partC.tar.gz >OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2.tar.gz


Copy both of them (OS Disk and Oracle Disk) to one of the ovm servers:

[root@ovmmanager1 repos]# pwd
[root@ovmmanager1 repos]# ls -l
total 13221836
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 986272382 Dec 4 12:12 OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-1of2.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 12552880679 Dec 4 11:58 OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2.tar.gz

[root@ovmmanager1 repos]# ssh root@ovmsrv01 mkdir -p /var/www/repos/

[root@ovmmanager1 repos]# scp *.tar.gz root@nodo1:/var/www/repos/
OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-1of2.tar.gz 100% 941MB 50.3MB/s 00:18
OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2.tar.gz 100% 12GB 47.9MB/s 04:10


Unzip the files:

1) El del SO:

[root@ovmsrv01 repos]# tar xzvf OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-1of2.tar.gz

2) El del RDBMS:

[root@ovmsrv01 repos]# tar xzvf OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2.tar.gz

[root@ovmsrv01 repos]# ls -lrth OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM
total 26G
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 29 2016 utils
-rw------- 1 root root 515 Oct 1 22:17 vm.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13K Oct 21 13:50 lsinventory-sample.grid-64bit
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11K Oct 21 15:04 lsinventory-sample.db-64bit
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.4M Oct 24 16:58 DBRAC18400181016-OVM2-template-Configuration.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 60G Oct 25 09:18 Oracle18400DBRAC_x86_64-xvdb.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.5K Oct 25 09:19 README.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15G Oct 25 14:05 System.img


* The process of joining the Oracle Disks and tar them, it is possible to do it in only one command if you want:

# cat /tmp/OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partA.tar.gz
/tmp/OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM-2of2-partCtar.gz | tar xz &


Start the http server into the ovm server where the templates are copied:

[root@ovmsrv01 ~]# cd /var/www/repos

[root@ovmsrv01 repos]# python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
Serving HTTP on port 80 ...


Import the templates from the ovm manager:

OVM> importtemplate repository name='repolocal-ovmsrv01' url="http:////ovmsrv01//OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM//vm.cfg,http:////ovmsrv01//OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM//System.img,http:////ovmsrv01//OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM//Oracle18400DBRAC_x86_64-xvdb.img"
Command: importtemplate repository name='repolocal-ovmsrv01' url="http:////ovmsrv01//OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM//vm.cfg,http:////ovmsrv01//OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM//System.img,http:////ovmsrv01//OVM_OL7U5_X86_64_18400DBRAC_PVHVM//Oracle18400DBRAC_x86_64-xvdb.img"
Status: Success
Time: 2018-12-16 08:51:48,076 CET
JobId: 1544946374048
id:0004fb0000140000799466daa5b94a9a name:vm.cfg


And you are ready to use the new template!


Adding value with Arumel!!